The Customer Service Team - Weston Homes

The Customer Service Team

The role of the Customer Service Team is to provide you with a point of contact and assistance from when your new home is completed and ready for you to move in.

A key to the success of our team is the thorough knowledge of the products incorporated within their specific development, a result of on-site training with our Quality Control Team and the manufacturers. All calls received are monitored on a system called Coins (Construction Industry Solutions) by way of a Key Performance Indicator displayed on a plasma screen within the department. This identifies the number of customers waiting; issues outstanding and time they have been outstanding. It also tells the team how many units are in warranty.

The Customer Services team’s objectives are to:

  • Deliver excellent customer service, by responding to our customer’s needs and requirements, in a timely, courteous manner.
  • To resolve any issues to a high standard within set time scales.
  • To provide a friendly and efficient service, using our own fully trained multi skilled customer care technicians and co-ordinators. Allocated co-ordinators and technicians are nominated to every customer to ensure a consistent level of service.
  • Listen to our customer’s requirements and comments to allow us to continually change and improve the service we provide.


To contact the Customer Service Team, please call 01279 873 200 or email

How can we help you?
Do you have a question? Get in touch with our friendly team today.